...tales from the gray crypt

Welcome!!! This is my life... Moving @ the rate of knots... the worst part is that due to its demanding schedule in this nondescript town - Harihar, where im studying management, the time i get to write is less than the time you would take when you say phi-la-del-phia.. :-/ this is my catharsis.. Will try and squeeze in whatever i can, especially the lessons that life teaches me. So, here i go, placing YOU on my pantheon, and hope that you like the gray ideating. Yours truly, Karan

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

gals beware!

i mean... we looked so cute... both of us...
what time make of us humans!!!
(ok, my bro is still no less, if not a lil better than this pic.. and twill be good if u dont talk about the gentleman who is riding the cyle in the pic ;->

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

6 stupid questions. . . Part - I

Heard about - The two stupid dogs? Yes, the one's on Cartoon Network some years pehle. The show was created to illustrate that dogs are stupid, plain and simple; designed to provide some cheap thrill to human beings, so that they pass the baton on to them momentarily. This post is the first of a series inspired by that. The questions have ABSOLUTELY no connection, no sense, and no gray. So i would like you to believe that i am going out of the paradigm of my blog for the first time. Let me know if it really was...

1. Pick out a scar you have, and explain how you got it?

Yeh sahi hai. Pick out a scar and explain it!!??

I mean, I do have a couple of scars on my body, which are the result of a couple of mini mahabharats between my kid bro and myelf, and are at pretty open & civilized places, but nothing else. What makes you think that I would pick a scar on myself and talk about it? I’d rather go take dancing lessons from Sunny Deol than do this blasphemous act for my already scarred (sometimes) and ignored (most of the times!!) body. That’s like really bad caviar, can’t believe this starter.

2. What does your phone look like?

A phone!!! Terri to….
Okay. Let me clear a few things about my phone. Just two points which I feel you must know. I’m not going to tell you the make or the model but it has always been on my side no matter what. It bails me out whenever I’m standing alone, or am in a place where there’s no one around me momentarily. Note these:

  • Try this stunt out – when you’re standing alone, and are a wee bit uneasy with the number of eyeballs popping on your movements, put your cell on silent or buzzer (NOT on general. Don’t, trust me), and call the customer care number. It’s a computerized reply, so u can talk to anyone in the world you want to (yes sir!). Keep it flowing till the time your stuff is done, your guy has come or you’re through with a couple of ideas to pop the balls (eyes’ I meant) inside. You can nominate me as the youth icon for channel V for that, whenever they start it that is.
  • B2B (Bench-to-Bench) texting in class – the most important component of a cell here a KIAMS; whenever we are bored with our lectures (that is virtually every single minute in class) we take ‘em out and tilt our head down to a very sly 30 degree angle, and usually end our lecture with that (starting with the response to the roll call), all thanks to the 100 messages free in our special college plan, thanks to Sunil Bharti Mittal. Jesus be with Wal-Mart.

3. What is on the walls of your bedroom?

Nothing. I have some 3 beautifully designed cobwebs which remind me of the some economics funda I’d learnt in high school. Eco grads who remember can come back on my number.
I want to have a couple of Ashley Judd posters, or Fernando Alonso, or Roger Federer, or the logo of Manchester United, or some inspirational quotes write-up, or………… but I CAN’T. This is an unavoidable peril of living in any hostel, and I don’t want to get my posterior busted by Mr. Parameshwarappa (the Hostel-in-charge @ our insti.), who smiles in a way (every single day) so as to tell you that – I have brushed my teeth today, beta, no cavities (ok, one on my lower molar maybe), and please feel free to check me, rather smell me out.
If you still don’t get the drift on me using the posterior busting phrase, then you can go to the right corner of this page and click on that small red cross, which reads ‘close’ when you put your cursor on it. Ha.

4. What is your current desktop picture?

Ummmm. Ok, so you have put in some thought for this question. Let me do the same, for the first time in the 570 words I have already typed so far.
My desktops so far (in the last 20 days mind u):

  • Autumn street – had no choice, when I opened my laptop for the first time.
  • David Beckham – first download from the net. Obvious reasons.
  • Aamir khan – saw RDB fro the nth time that day. So the hangover impacted. But I do like the bloke.
  • David Ogilvy – love this bloke as well. And read an amazing piece by him today.
  • Business Standard – they’d said that they’ll be evaluating my performance incentives today.
  • Myself – was wearing a new bandana. Looked pretty cool. But couldn’t stand the face for more than 700 seconds.
  • Manchester united logo – looked amazing. Was in for quite sometime.
  • Mom – got hold of a CD, with some of her pics id kept. Put the cutest one in. don’t think I can think beyond for quite some time. She’s waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy too good looking.

5. Do you believe in gay marriage?

I feel that marriage is an institution which is built on the four pillars of trust, maturity, perseverance and love. If two people can promise these four to each other for life, I think nobody can stop them from getting hitched. Irrespective of their, caste, creed, race, religion, culture, ummmm, some more, cant remember them but, and sex. What I would like to ask these namoone log is - (contains explicit content, parental supervision advised). Good luck to people like these, may the force be with you.

6. What are you listening to?

The thing about the advent and the leaps and bounds the technology that made in the past decade is that you tend to get things so easily that you lose the value associated with it. Let me illustrate – Fatboy Slim has composed a super track called ‘Right here, Right now’, donkey’s years pehle and it has no connections whatsoever with AB jr. (let the kid enjoy life ya). There was a time when I was willing to donate my liver to get this song. Had seen its video on M-TV a long time back, and went lattoo over the idea, the tune and the video most of all. Couldn’t trace it back home because my modem was down with cholera, for a long time, and didn’t have the enthu to take it on a pen-drive in Calcutta. When I came down here, I got the song from every Tom, Dick, Harry, Jane, Janet, Jessica, Sunita, Sushma, Babua, Gajodhar, etc. etc. etc., and listened to it so much so that, I actually play it very sparingly these days, when you wont believe, I used to listen to this even when my dad was asking me about my term end results some years back, while this was being played on the radio (talk about value-proposition).

Any guesses as to what song I am listening to right now….????

The Boulevard – by Greenday ;->

BRB !!