How sexxxy can an assignment get???

When I try to live a character, there would be cases where the he reacts to a situation differently than I would. And that can change the entire situation giving it a completely new flavor. So I have enlisted down the major instances in DJ’s life and tell you what I would have done had I been DJ. And since the movie shows, rather personalizes DJ as Chandrashekhar Azad as well, I am leaving that part of the movie and that aspect of the character. I have taken up the life of DJ and NOT Chandrashekhar Azad and this is how I would live it.
Here we go - - -
DJ wears smart clothes.
This is one personality trait which is common to both of us. I choose my clothes with care and my choice is usually appreciated.
DJ is very close to his mother.
So am I. And will always be.
DJ rides a bike happily.
I know how to ride a bike, but I prefer riding a car. So my ‘happiness’ lies on the four and not the two-wheeler unlike him.
DJ litters the Delhi University campus
This is one trait with which I can never associate myself. I believe that littering your own campus (in any way) is completely disgraceful, and every single person should own up responsibility for his surroundings.
DJ is theatrical, but is reluctant to act in a movie.
This is a personality trait which lies in not just me, but many of us. All of us might be real good actors, singers, mimes etc., but when the flashbulbs start rolling, we start feeling jittery and usually (not in all cases, mind you) try to avoid the limelight and prefer to stay away from the camera, and let someone else take centre-stage; when what we do when the camera is switched off is actually better than what is performed in front of us.
DJ fights with Atul Kulkarni ( Laxman)
The scene shows that Kulkarni – a Hindu activist passing snide communal remarks at one of DJ’s friends, who happens to be a Muslim. The reason for fighting and making up after that is completely justified and I would have reacted the same way, if not a little more violently had this happened to any of my friends, irrespective of their creed or religion. It is impossible to juxtapose sarcasm and Karan and all my friends know it.
DJ acts and fools around with the Delhi University students
This is me. This characteristic of DJ’s personality suits me to the hilt. But I do know the difference between bending the rules and breaking them. So unlike DJ, I know when and where to apply the brakes and make sure than I do not go over-board with my buffoonery, along with my gang (in almost all cases).
DJ drinks in the bar and instigates the rest of the guys to carry his pilot friend (Madhavan) on four shoulders after being drunk.
The scene shows that DJ and friends are sitting in a pub and are talking about changing the country and the contribution by each one of us in making, or breaking our country individually. DJ makes a statement about living in the present and being practical. After a certain point of time the focus shifts on the treatment all of them would get when they die. He then along with three of his mates carries Madhavan around the table and sings patriotic song. Leaving aside the fact that I am a teetotaler, I would never carry my friend on four shoulders, even if I’m having fun.
DJ stays by his friend’s fiancée who happens to be his friend after they get the news that he has died in MIG crash.
Ditto. I would react the same way and the like DJ, who exhibits excellent empathy in the sequence.
DJ leads a small contingent of people to the India gate for a peaceful protest after the death of his fighter pilot friend who dies in a MIG crash.
I think I would have this as an option, but would have held it back. What I would have done is get the media on my side and divulge all the details about the entire episode and letting the truth about the duplicate spare parts used by the Government in these MIG fighter planes. The media and the press are the biggest medium for reaching out to people. And I would have definitely gone for a protest march, irrespective of the location.
DJ carries a couple of kids on his shoulders after a scuffle breaks out at the site.
I won’t say this if I don’t mean it, but if the kids are big enough to take care of themselves, I think I would worry about the safety of my friends, the pilot’s mother and then my safety first; as the policemen know that we are at the center of the entire protest. And I am presuming that the police wont hurt the young kids, who anyways (would have their parents or a guardian to take care of them). But, if the kids are as small as shown in the movie, and alone, getting them to a safe zone would be my first priority.
DJ comes back and takes blows on his body to save his friend's mother from the brutality at the location by the police.
I would do the same, and irrespective of the blows that I get on my body, I would save my friend’s mother as I would save mine.
DJ takes her to the hospital.
The very fact that I would take up such a task for the death of my friend and defending his dignity means that I am a part of his family as well. So I would get the mother to the hospital, check the status of my friends and get myself checked as well.
DJ goes to one of his friend's place after being hurt really badly.
If one of my friends is badly hurt in the scuffle in the day, I would go to him, else I would speak to him on the phone and pay him a visit when things (read: wounds) heal; physical, emotional and psychological.
DJ breaks down after he comes back home after the entire day.
In this one of the very touching sequences in the movie, I would break down as well; I don’t think that I would have been able to retain my senses after the day.
DJ plans to kill the Defence minister.
This is a very radical step. I would not mind being a part of it, but I definitely would not initiate it. Just like DJ in the movie. The idea comes from someone else, but I think i would support it, if all my friends are game for it.
DJ shoots him with one of his friends, riding pillion on a bike.
Shooting the Defence minister one fine morning is definitely not on my priority list, but as shown in the movie, I am a person who is pretty close to DJ, and I think I would have taken the lead and shot him.
DJ plans to surrender on radio after the death of the corrupt minister, who is said to be a great man supposedly killed by terrorists.
This is very radical step taken by him in the movie. I don’t think I would have thought of such a dynamic idea. I would have spoken to the press directly, after surrendering. Kudos to this idea; very well thought of and executed as well.
DJ excavates the AIR building very calmly without hurting anybody.
The composure shown by DJ is exemplary. I think I would have panicked a little while going through the entire idea of asking people to leave their office, hold a gun in my hand and exhibit composure at the same time.
DJ dies in the shoot-out at the AIR building after talking to the audience on the radio for a few moments.
I would have died as well. There’s practically no point running away as shown in the movie and would happily die hoping that the message is driven home fairly and squarely to the youth of the country.
Cant wait for u to bounce!!!