...tales from the gray crypt

Welcome!!! This is my life... Moving @ the rate of knots... the worst part is that due to its demanding schedule in this nondescript town - Harihar, where im studying management, the time i get to write is less than the time you would take when you say phi-la-del-phia.. :-/ this is my catharsis.. Will try and squeeze in whatever i can, especially the lessons that life teaches me. So, here i go, placing YOU on my pantheon, and hope that you like the gray ideating. Yours truly, Karan

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

How sexxxy can an assignment get???

Hmm.. This is one smashing assignment given to us by our Organizational Development prof... I had to do a literal role-play of the character DJ in RDB... It was a pretty easy task for me to relate with the character, especially in the first half of the movie. Many of my friends say that I look like DJ as well, and there was a time when I used to have a hairstyle like the character. So choosing the character out of the movie was a relatively easy task for me. As for the movie, it was always on my mind and thanks to this, I have a chance to live the character that I love so much.

When I try to live a character, there would be cases where the he reacts to a situation differently than I would. And that can change the entire situation giving it a completely new flavor. So I have enlisted down the major instances in DJ’s life and tell you what I would have done had I been DJ. And since the movie shows, rather personalizes DJ as Chandrashekhar Azad as well, I am leaving that part of the movie and that aspect of the character. I have taken up the life of DJ and NOT Chandrashekhar Azad and this is how I would live it.

Here we go - - -

DJ wears smart clothes.

This is one personality trait which is common to both of us. I choose my clothes with care and my choice is usually appreciated.

DJ is very close to his mother.

So am I. And will always be.

DJ rides a bike happily.

I know how to ride a bike, but I prefer riding a car. So my ‘happiness’ lies on the four and not the two-wheeler unlike him.

DJ litters the Delhi University campus

This is one trait with which I can never associate myself. I believe that littering your own campus (in any way) is completely disgraceful, and every single person should own up responsibility for his surroundings.

DJ is theatrical, but is reluctant to act in a movie.

This is a personality trait which lies in not just me, but many of us. All of us might be real good actors, singers, mimes etc., but when the flashbulbs start rolling, we start feeling jittery and usually (not in all cases, mind you) try to avoid the limelight and prefer to stay away from the camera, and let someone else take centre-stage; when what we do when the camera is switched off is actually better than what is performed in front of us.

DJ fights with Atul Kulkarni ( Laxman)

The scene shows that Kulkarni – a Hindu activist passing snide communal remarks at one of DJ’s friends, who happens to be a Muslim. The reason for fighting and making up after that is completely justified and I would have reacted the same way, if not a little more violently had this happened to any of my friends, irrespective of their creed or religion. It is impossible to juxtapose sarcasm and Karan and all my friends know it.

DJ acts and fools around with the Delhi University students

This is me. This characteristic of DJ’s personality suits me to the hilt. But I do know the difference between bending the rules and breaking them. So unlike DJ, I know when and where to apply the brakes and make sure than I do not go over-board with my buffoonery, along with my gang (in almost all cases).

DJ drinks in the bar and instigates the rest of the guys to carry his pilot friend (Madhavan) on four shoulders after being drunk.

The scene shows that DJ and friends are sitting in a pub and are talking about changing the country and the contribution by each one of us in making, or breaking our country individually. DJ makes a statement about living in the present and being practical. After a certain point of time the focus shifts on the treatment all of them would get when they die. He then along with three of his mates carries Madhavan around the table and sings patriotic song. Leaving aside the fact that I am a teetotaler, I would never carry my friend on four shoulders, even if I’m having fun.

DJ stays by his friend’s fiancée who happens to be his friend after they get the news that he has died in MIG crash.

Ditto. I would react the same way and the like DJ, who exhibits excellent empathy in the sequence.

DJ leads a small contingent of people to the India gate for a peaceful protest after the death of his fighter pilot friend who dies in a MIG crash.

I think I would have this as an option, but would have held it back. What I would have done is get the media on my side and divulge all the details about the entire episode and letting the truth about the duplicate spare parts used by the Government in these MIG fighter planes. The media and the press are the biggest medium for reaching out to people. And I would have definitely gone for a protest march, irrespective of the location.

DJ carries a couple of kids on his shoulders after a scuffle breaks out at the site.

I won’t say this if I don’t mean it, but if the kids are big enough to take care of themselves, I think I would worry about the safety of my friends, the pilot’s mother and then my safety first; as the policemen know that we are at the center of the entire protest. And I am presuming that the police wont hurt the young kids, who anyways (would have their parents or a guardian to take care of them). But, if the kids are as small as shown in the movie, and alone, getting them to a safe zone would be my first priority.

DJ comes back and takes blows on his body to save his friend's mother from the brutality at the location by the police.

I would do the same, and irrespective of the blows that I get on my body, I would save my friend’s mother as I would save mine.

DJ takes her to the hospital.

The very fact that I would take up such a task for the death of my friend and defending his dignity means that I am a part of his family as well. So I would get the mother to the hospital, check the status of my friends and get myself checked as well.

DJ goes to one of his friend's place after being hurt really badly.

If one of my friends is badly hurt in the scuffle in the day, I would go to him, else I would speak to him on the phone and pay him a visit when things (read: wounds) heal; physical, emotional and psychological.

DJ breaks down after he comes back home after the entire day.

In this one of the very touching sequences in the movie, I would break down as well; I don’t think that I would have been able to retain my senses after the day.

DJ plans to kill the Defence minister.

This is a very radical step. I would not mind being a part of it, but I definitely would not initiate it. Just like DJ in the movie. The idea comes from someone else, but I think i would support it, if all my friends are game for it.

DJ shoots him with one of his friends, riding pillion on a bike.

Shooting the Defence minister one fine morning is definitely not on my priority list, but as shown in the movie, I am a person who is pretty close to DJ, and I think I would have taken the lead and shot him.

DJ plans to surrender on radio after the death of the corrupt minister, who is said to be a great man supposedly killed by terrorists.

This is very radical step taken by him in the movie. I don’t think I would have thought of such a dynamic idea. I would have spoken to the press directly, after surrendering. Kudos to this idea; very well thought of and executed as well.

DJ excavates the AIR building very calmly without hurting anybody.

The composure shown by DJ is exemplary. I think I would have panicked a little while going through the entire idea of asking people to leave their office, hold a gun in my hand and exhibit composure at the same time.

DJ dies in the shoot-out at the AIR building after talking to the audience on the radio for a few moments.

I would have died as well. There’s practically no point running away as shown in the movie and would happily die hoping that the message is driven home fairly and squarely to the youth of the country.

Cant wait for u to bounce!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

gals beware!

i mean... we looked so cute... both of us...
what time make of us humans!!!
(ok, my bro is still no less, if not a lil better than this pic.. and twill be good if u dont talk about the gentleman who is riding the cyle in the pic ;->

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

6 stupid questions. . . Part - I

Heard about - The two stupid dogs? Yes, the one's on Cartoon Network some years pehle. The show was created to illustrate that dogs are stupid, plain and simple; designed to provide some cheap thrill to human beings, so that they pass the baton on to them momentarily. This post is the first of a series inspired by that. The questions have ABSOLUTELY no connection, no sense, and no gray. So i would like you to believe that i am going out of the paradigm of my blog for the first time. Let me know if it really was...

1. Pick out a scar you have, and explain how you got it?

Yeh sahi hai. Pick out a scar and explain it!!??

I mean, I do have a couple of scars on my body, which are the result of a couple of mini mahabharats between my kid bro and myelf, and are at pretty open & civilized places, but nothing else. What makes you think that I would pick a scar on myself and talk about it? I’d rather go take dancing lessons from Sunny Deol than do this blasphemous act for my already scarred (sometimes) and ignored (most of the times!!) body. That’s like really bad caviar, can’t believe this starter.

2. What does your phone look like?

A phone!!! Terri to….
Okay. Let me clear a few things about my phone. Just two points which I feel you must know. I’m not going to tell you the make or the model but it has always been on my side no matter what. It bails me out whenever I’m standing alone, or am in a place where there’s no one around me momentarily. Note these:

  • Try this stunt out – when you’re standing alone, and are a wee bit uneasy with the number of eyeballs popping on your movements, put your cell on silent or buzzer (NOT on general. Don’t, trust me), and call the customer care number. It’s a computerized reply, so u can talk to anyone in the world you want to (yes sir!). Keep it flowing till the time your stuff is done, your guy has come or you’re through with a couple of ideas to pop the balls (eyes’ I meant) inside. You can nominate me as the youth icon for channel V for that, whenever they start it that is.
  • B2B (Bench-to-Bench) texting in class – the most important component of a cell here a KIAMS; whenever we are bored with our lectures (that is virtually every single minute in class) we take ‘em out and tilt our head down to a very sly 30 degree angle, and usually end our lecture with that (starting with the response to the roll call), all thanks to the 100 messages free in our special college plan, thanks to Sunil Bharti Mittal. Jesus be with Wal-Mart.

3. What is on the walls of your bedroom?

Nothing. I have some 3 beautifully designed cobwebs which remind me of the some economics funda I’d learnt in high school. Eco grads who remember can come back on my number.
I want to have a couple of Ashley Judd posters, or Fernando Alonso, or Roger Federer, or the logo of Manchester United, or some inspirational quotes write-up, or………… but I CAN’T. This is an unavoidable peril of living in any hostel, and I don’t want to get my posterior busted by Mr. Parameshwarappa (the Hostel-in-charge @ our insti.), who smiles in a way (every single day) so as to tell you that – I have brushed my teeth today, beta, no cavities (ok, one on my lower molar maybe), and please feel free to check me, rather smell me out.
If you still don’t get the drift on me using the posterior busting phrase, then you can go to the right corner of this page and click on that small red cross, which reads ‘close’ when you put your cursor on it. Ha.

4. What is your current desktop picture?

Ummmm. Ok, so you have put in some thought for this question. Let me do the same, for the first time in the 570 words I have already typed so far.
My desktops so far (in the last 20 days mind u):

  • Autumn street – had no choice, when I opened my laptop for the first time.
  • David Beckham – first download from the net. Obvious reasons.
  • Aamir khan – saw RDB fro the nth time that day. So the hangover impacted. But I do like the bloke.
  • David Ogilvy – love this bloke as well. And read an amazing piece by him today.
  • Business Standard – they’d said that they’ll be evaluating my performance incentives today.
  • Myself – was wearing a new bandana. Looked pretty cool. But couldn’t stand the face for more than 700 seconds.
  • Manchester united logo – looked amazing. Was in for quite sometime.
  • Mom – got hold of a CD, with some of her pics id kept. Put the cutest one in. don’t think I can think beyond for quite some time. She’s waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy too good looking.

5. Do you believe in gay marriage?

I feel that marriage is an institution which is built on the four pillars of trust, maturity, perseverance and love. If two people can promise these four to each other for life, I think nobody can stop them from getting hitched. Irrespective of their, caste, creed, race, religion, culture, ummmm, some more, cant remember them but, and sex. What I would like to ask these namoone log is - (contains explicit content, parental supervision advised). Good luck to people like these, may the force be with you.

6. What are you listening to?

The thing about the advent and the leaps and bounds the technology that made in the past decade is that you tend to get things so easily that you lose the value associated with it. Let me illustrate – Fatboy Slim has composed a super track called ‘Right here, Right now’, donkey’s years pehle and it has no connections whatsoever with AB jr. (let the kid enjoy life ya). There was a time when I was willing to donate my liver to get this song. Had seen its video on M-TV a long time back, and went lattoo over the idea, the tune and the video most of all. Couldn’t trace it back home because my modem was down with cholera, for a long time, and didn’t have the enthu to take it on a pen-drive in Calcutta. When I came down here, I got the song from every Tom, Dick, Harry, Jane, Janet, Jessica, Sunita, Sushma, Babua, Gajodhar, etc. etc. etc., and listened to it so much so that, I actually play it very sparingly these days, when you wont believe, I used to listen to this even when my dad was asking me about my term end results some years back, while this was being played on the radio (talk about value-proposition).

Any guesses as to what song I am listening to right now….????

The Boulevard – by Greenday ;->

BRB !!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

My summer in BANGalore !

I'm through...!

Kasam ganga maiya ki, me is through my Summers at Business Standard. Another jhanda on the top of my terrace, another topic to ramble about and another feather(?) in my cap(??!)...

When i had come here at BS, i was, as you know gutted ! Okay, i let you use a better adjective for the feeling... But i feel a lot different now.. As in, i don't think i can define the feeling exactly, but it is a +ve one for sure... Trust me... Don't? Read 'em on:
  • Got an amazing project out for myself, Analysis of the Advertising pattern of financial dailies. (has a nice ring to it, na? The pundits like it, so do I)
  • Met a lot of clients (met quite a few "samples" actually, but some tails notwithstanding, met quite a lot of heads as well, while hitting calls).
  • Got some astounding piece(s) of gyaan about Sales, Marketing and Advertising (ummm, not necessarily in that order); from electic people, ranging from a consultant of an HR firm, a Chairman of a pharma co., Brand manager of a leading airline, and some more.
  • Was trying to grab the attention of a wrong-side-of-20-something bohemian chick near my office, and to my utter dismay, came to know that she is an editorial team member at BS, who'd come down from Delhi that very morning. (frankly, she was okey-dokey... Ahem ahem... Yes, you've got it... I WANT TO SURVIVE... Get my point? She was passable...)
  • Got a SEXY PG right at the centre of Bangalore, at a very reasonable rate. Have checked many thakela PG's out which charge a couple of grands more than this, but this was like a three star resort. Good value for money. (thank you ad-mag).
  • Junta at Brigade road, MG road, and allied streets and lanes. (have seen better but...)
  • Used the office printer and phone, where the maximum an intern can get is a glass of water. (it's very tough to do it.. And, the entire office gets to know if you are `caught` by the admin fellow :-P
  • Spoke to the chief sub-editor of BS and absorbed a lot of practical suggns. for my mag work back at KIAMS, and also with the production guy at the press, taking down notes at ten in the night, a good two hours' drive away from my PG. (But tell you what, twas worth it...)
  • Made great friends at the PG. ( So far,,, he he he he... But i'm not on any of the social networking sites guys,,, well,,, as yet ;-D)
  • Played cricket on the streets after manyyyyy moons. (Oh Calcutta,, where art thou???)
  • Had Parle-G one entire day. Parle-G for breakfast, Parle-G for lunch, Parle-G for supper, and Parle-G at two in the morning the next day (can't figure out the name of this meal, get back with what ever you call it..)
  • Ate Domino's Cheese Burst pizza (try it out... Tis more tempting than a Jessica Alba striptease).
  • And, not forgetting, had eight pizzas, yes eight, the very next day (four of us) for a hundered bucks. don't ask me how. ask that guy from Domino's machaoing dhoom ;->
  • Got this free wi-fi connectivity for a couple of days, thanks to some pilot thing here at Intel, next to our place. (God bless Andy Grove!)
  • Learned to cook maggi... Finally... Seriously did. (Necessity is the mother of invention)
  • Didn't have a haircut... (count that as one of the bigger +ve's)
  • Saw a movie from Kazakhastan for the first time (Panzy, with a capital P).
  • Got a slazenger lawn tennis ball for free. (was lying next to a car, while coming back from work one fine evening, had no choice with no kids around. vintage blasphemous magnanimity for my own self! eh..)
  • "Stole" what 25 guavas, from a tree in front of the building compound next to ours. (got 2.5 complaints from the residents the next day as well... bring 'em on!)
  • Learned to delegate work. Don't ask me how. But i did for sure. (am very bad at it btw).
  • Had mango juice with a beggar nearby some days back. Just connected, and felt so good about myself that i can't use words to describe my feeling after the look from the poor soul. God bless him).
  • Got my tickets done for a couple of movies and to an amusement-cum-water park in Calcutta, thanks to my homesickness bouts. (On my way kids...)
  • And the best thing about the project getting over, is that i am going back home for a full TWO WEEKS... lesser mortals like us, who stay away know the pain people. (All you fortunate one's out there, make the most, or at least try to. You'll realize the importance of family only when you move out. Live every moment. And as Darren says "" I believe that family is worth more than money or gold"""... Trust us both...)

Cheers !


Sunday, May 20, 2007

Affirmation . . .

This is one hell of a song. . .
Every single line is a piece of education. . .

Hats off Darren and Daniel !
God Bless U both. . .

I believe the sun should never set upon an argument
I believe we place our happiness in other peoples hands
I believe that junk food tastes so good because its bad for you
I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do
I believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteem
I believe Im loved when Im completely by myself alone

I believe in karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you cant appreciate real love until youve been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you dont know what youve got until you say goodbye

I believe you cant control or choose your sexuality
I believe that trust is more important than monogamy
I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul
I believe that family is worth more than money or gold
I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires

I believe in karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you cant appreciate real love until youve been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you dont know what youve got until you say goodbye

I believe forgiveness is the key to your unhappiness
I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed
I believe that God does not endorse tv evangelists
I believe in love surviving death into eternity

I believe in karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you cant appreciate real love until youve been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you dont know what youve got until you say goodbye

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

keep Chasing ! ! !

There have been a lot of people who feel that I am a tad too subjective, both literally as well as practically. This is the first of my counter punches to those lesser (!) mortals deprived of the knowledge of its apparent power through the pen (err, the keyboard!).

Well, these are 41 strong reasons that should tell some people (someone) that I am not as good as they think I am. Overestimation and overrating is bad (with a capital b).

When I – Organize I Know Dad is better than me

When I – Study I Know Anjana is better than me

When I – Analyze I Know Pankaj is better than me

When I – Memorize I Know Adarsh is better than me

When I – Shoot I Know Patel is better than me

When I – Smash I Know Praveen is better than me

When I – Serve I Know Harlalka is better than me

When I – Negotiate I Know Dad is better than me

When I – Joke I Know Chauhan is better than me

When I – Scorn I Know Soni is better than me

When I – Write I Know Abhinav is better than me

When I – Present I Know Srilakshmi is better than me

When I – Ideate I Know Prasoon (Joshi) is better than me

When I – Sketch I Know Saira is better than me

When I – Dress I Know Mickey is better than me

When I – Eat I Know Piyush is better than me

When I – Sleep I Know Balajee is better than me

When I – Type I Know Dill is better than me

When I – Wander I Know Rajeev is better than me

When I – Dance I Know Raj is better than me

When I – Imagine I Know Muthu is better than me

When I – Pass I Know Manish is better than me

When I – Sing I Know Divya is better than me

When I – Taunt I Know Patel is better than me

When I – Text I Know Saira is better than me

When I – Cook I Know Pathak is better than me

When I – Speak I Know Saira is better than me

When I – Host I Know Naqueeb is better than me

When I – Think I Know Salil is better than me

When I – Walk I Know Nash is better than me

When I – Advice I Know Vidya is better than me

When I – Exercise I Know Vineet is better than me

When I – Drool I Know Ganeri is better than me

When I – Decide I Know Adarsh is better than me

When I – Drive I Know Dad is better than me

When I – Bowl I Know Raghu is better than me

When I – Fight I Know Mark is better than me

When I – Punch I Know Vineet is better than me

When I – Defend I Know Sandeep is better than me

When I – Hug I Know Rashmi is better than me

When I – Watch I Know Natasha is better than me

Friday, March 09, 2007

Blink !

No don't..!!

That is what is going to happen to you if you - let alone finish it - run through only the first two chapters of this amazing piece of literal beauty... The Blink as Malcolm Gladwell calls it.

It is such a radical book, that it has forced me to come out of this self imposed hibernation from something i love doing so much; but was just not able to do it (believe you me, i have no clue how time flew by. Had a lot of pending work down my neck and all of us here at KIAMS, organized this rural marketing fair, called Pragati, which kept us busy. & & & this is NOT an alibi).

Coming back to the book and Mr. Gladwell's hair (check him out, google, altavista, yahoo, just check him out), the guy, after his first look will make you remember the nerdy-geeky-freak in your college. Even if he does not, you will have an exact testimony. He is the Quintessential. But the point is not about this gentleman's hair, it is about what is hiding under them.
The school of thought that he exhibits and maybe, just maybe imposes on your gray matter is something which could shake your entire decision making faculty. Has mine (for keeps or momentarily, I've no clue, but right now, yes he has).
The book essentially talks about how snap judgments (impulsive, spur-of-the-moment decisions taken on hunch and intuition) can be as good as, and sometimes much more accurate and better at the end of the day than decisions taken with proper homework and substantial heuristics inside your head. He goes on by narrating some banal as well as some arcane examples which validate this point, all true mind you.
I loved it, and i am sure you will too. I've read this book while attending lectures people.... Now you know ;->
Won't say that i will come back soon, would try and under-promise and over-deliver as somebody told me yesterday. So, wait and watch.


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Why @vertising??!! HERE GOES.....

Met a gentleman sometime back who wanted to know as to why do I feel that advertising is my calling... (actually wanted to share this with you as well....)
After the conversation,,, went up to the comp lab at my insti. and wrote some crap which went like this:

According to Mr. David Ogilvy, “Advertising Agencies are Psychological Pothouses.”

And it is the primary reason for me to be interested in working at one, not just based on the statement above, but for the fact that no other industry (job) offers you an atmosphere which is even close to being in the same vicinity of being as stimulating (viz. creativity, vocabulary, attire, personality, clients and the people per se; everything is so eclectic), as an ad agency (can be) is.

From the little of what I understand, there are no watertight compartments in an agency (I’ve read somewhere that only an agency can give you a chance to work with your NCD on a project after a couple of months, where in other jobs, you might take a few months to shake hands with your CEO).

Now, coming down to ground zero, we know that, that a client executive is the interface between the creative team and the clients of the agency. I feel this is my calling, because, I have excellent communication skills, both verbal as well as non-verbal, I love traveling, I love meeting new people and observing their behavior. It is also important for an accounts executive to be able to make good presentations, and believe that I am a confident presenter, who does his homework properly. I would also, at the risk of sounding a wee bit immodest, would add that I am a fast learner and the learning curve for me never ends.

To drive the point home (just in case…), I would conclude by saying that in the formative years of your career, what you learn is more important than what you earn, and for an ad agency, I assure you that it will get the best of me...

(Just a small piece of news for you guys,,, I`ve got through Business Standard, Bangalore for my Summers,,, even after being as close as David Beckham & MLS are at this point of time, for getting into O & M, Chennai...

Am a little disappointed,,, but my FINALS beckon in less than a year :->
Positivity at it`s paragon,, eh!!??)

Would end my first post after 324 hrs, 5 mins, and 23 secs. since the new year on that Gospel of the BHAGWAD GITA, which never goes wrong and fits into practically any context...

Karmanye Vadhikaraste Maa Phaleshu Kadachana...

Will try and come back soon...
Enjoy & God Bless you all...

Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Thing About Changing Dates!!!

Well, this is the first time in my entire life that i am spending my new year away from my haven... My home :-<
One more pathetic thing about this new year is that our term II exams at KIAMS are on - full frontal,,, and the papers that i have finished writing so far, were like asking Mamata Banerjee to do a salsa with Ratan Tata...

Needless to say,,, the year is ending on a shambolic note... But as i was telling a friend yday,,, i Hope, that the results don't turn out on the same lines...
A critique on that later...
So, i welcome the year 2007 with open arms, limbs, heart, head, and whatever that can be opened in a civilized society,,, and pray that all of us have a safe, content, and above all successful year ahead...

God Bless You ALL!!!
PS: The Resolution for this year is ---- (cliched as it may sound) NO RESOLUTIONS!!!

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Imagine being the poster boy of an entire nation since the day you wear your national colors...
Imagine being the saviour of your club, well on n number of times...
Imagine being The Only Hope (as some pundits call him) for the poms...
Imagine people like cantona, pele, cryuff, beckenbauer, and di stefano predicting that he could be THE best ever (not counting the peers, for a change)...
& imagine being down in the dumps for such a long period that almost all the points mentioned above____Reverse!!!
Logic tells you that something must have gone seriously wrong with the Phenomenon: Wayne Rooney. After being placed right up there with people we have, let alone watch, not even read of; the sudden slump in the form (Read GOALS) stretching from the WC '06 to the middle of the EPL 06-07 season, was nothing short of a catastrophe...

I, honestly, and i know many lesser mortals out there would have not been able to stand - being placed on the stars to right down the stinkiest gutter that
there is, but that is precisely what this guy has done...
okay, by now you would have understood that i'm a soccer freak...
& in the 12 yrs of my soccer connection, i have never seen someone who's so out of form that you sometimes want to go out there and help him shoot a ball ...
the catch, in this case is that i have never seen anyone run, fight, persist so hard that you literally blast your lungs out (u'll understand if you've ever played the sport in your life), and keep putting in the same effort, if not more, in each and every
match that you play... & to tell you that he bounced back real hard is no rocket science...
Well he bounced alright...
Came back with a brace and has now constantly started finding the back of that bloody net...
People reverted and so did those points mentioned above (re-re-reverted that is, for keeps hopefully)...

Moral of the story:
The harder you fall, the higher you bounce...
& in my opinion,, this guy is this quote personified...

(PS: could've added some more,, but gotta go and try out a first touch which he displayed against those blue-bozos: chelsea, last week)...
ciao ciao...
will come back soon...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


3 grueling months (!!)
9 cruel (ahem –ahem) papers
2 days of Industry Integration (??)
Happy Diwali!! (The last time we would be homebound for some time)

KIAMS Batch IX – Term I is history; (We have been morphed from ordinary mortals to 16.67% MBA’s already… How was that!!?)

My entire batch agrees to all the points mentioned above, especially the interrogation marks after the industry integration. Our institution’s method of sending first year students to the various K-Group companies in Maharashtra, to get a taste of the “Real Thing”, was looked as by almost all of us as a two-day escapade to the erstwhile ‘sleepy city’ before we get back and cure our heavy bouts of homesickness.
Little did we realize that all this was about to change. And how!!!

Even before stepping out, and before these prejudices about the whole purpose of the integration could seep into our heads, we had an exhaustive session on the CII-EXIM Policy and the RKQP (Ravi Kirloskar Quality Process) Model explained to us; which actually cleared quite a few cobwebs in most of our heads about the expectations from the program per se.
The one thing which we were very clear about was that we would try and focus more ‘How’ instead of ‘Who’, ‘What’, ‘Where’, ‘When’, ‘Why’.

The D-Day arrived and we reached our destination- Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. (KOEL) In Pune and were greeted by the amazing infrastructure that they had. After getting in and meeting the HOD’s of KOEL, who were kind enough to take time out for us, we couldn’t help getting a feeling that we were actually in for something bigger than what we had presumed. As laymen,– well, most of us – just interacting with these biggies of a 1500 crore organization, people who actually get these nos. for the company, itself was a huge learning experience. Repeat: It was huge.

Getting to know about the actual functions of a Marketing, HR, Finance and Operations departments itself, getting to know about the decision making procedure at work there, and how these policies, procedures and plans were actually being implemented on Ground-Zero right up to the Ivory Tower of the organization itself opened quite a few eyes; and it was then, at that very moment, that we actually realized that management is more than just contriving, regulating and utilizing the resources available in hand, but how effectively & efficiently you are able to connect these jargons to actual practice.

Now, a point, which deserves a special mention out here, is the learning that we gained out of our interaction with the Blue-Collared workers and the shop floor employees deployed at the manufacturing plant at KOEL by just observing them engrossed in their own duties – some bone inside you shakes your gray matter up and reminds you how hard it is to make I on your own steam in life and that success is always an aggregation of small steps and seldom a giant leap.

After these two days passed off, and after getting back home, many rambling thoughts crossed my mind and, but the best thing about this whole exercise was something which our dir. sir always stresses on – Practicing in reality, what you have learned in theory; and his unbeatable jargon, that, practice is lame without theory and theory is blind without practice.

We were happy that we got this opportunity to visit an Industrial house and learn so much. Honestly speaking, all the cobwebs that were there have been cleared for keeps and we are eagerly looking forward to the Service-industry Integration after the completion of our Term II.

After which we would be 33.33% MBA’s.
The names are getting heavier, and we are loving it.

KNOWLEDGE, as they say, IS POWER.

Friday, September 15, 2006


oooh maaan!!!!!
most of us are seriously pondering over our decision to do an MBA.... ;-> its of no use now as some of our seniors say.... the horse has long being bolted.. but seriously, im loving every moment of it.. have never been so busy in my entire 22 yrs. and a month of existence on this planet.. assignments, projects, group activity, tests and our externals that are coming up in what 2 weeks... {thanx to my friend>> i stand corrected, 10 days it is}....
it is actually simple to make sense of this stupidiotic situation that i am actually making it out to be... the metamorphosis has begun and i hope to come out a stronger, smarter and more importantly achieve a raised erudition level... there's so much that i have learned already and there's such a long way to go still.... must run people, sprint actually.. as its all about having competitive advantage.. hey, that is infact the theme for this month's issue of our college editorial of which i am the ahem ahem ed... ahem ahem ....
hehehe.. sometimes i wonder what made them select me...
cut the crap!!!!!
c, if u dont believe in urself, no 1 else will....
on the contrary, whenever i write something, anything, i always feel that its not even 10% of what i thought it would actually be.... must admit, that iv read some our u guys' posts and believe u me, some of them were simply staggering.... just keep thinking of this on & on &amp; on & some more..
must also start putting in effort for my term1 exams coming up... {pppsssssttt: my whole batch is full of ****ing nerds}... must up the ante n e how notwithstanding...
must run, actually sprint... :-) {guys tell me that i sound like jerry mcguire sometimes,,,, really loved that character,, more so bcoz of tom cruise who bought the character alive, literally}....
see this is what i meant when i say that its good to be jacked 1ce in a while.. but u know what things are only as good or bad as we make them out to be....
its all about perspectives, as stephen covey said..
i'll leave u with a thought after this much deliberated-and -delayed post:

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Boulevard...

there are people and there are people....
there is so much for me to share with the world, so much to write, so many emotions inside me which sometimes come out of my system in the most unexpected of places,, and that is scary sometimes.. believe you me... i just hope that i use this for myself and for people out there who understand what's written and more importantly what's not...
here i go.......